Symphonic Rock Part 2 VV-005

In today’s VINYL VIBRATIONS podcast, we look at Part 2 of our program on the subject of SYMPHONIC ROCK. In Part one we focused on some of the vinyl records that featured a rock music format, and featured or incorporatedconcerto3-4  a symphonic or chamber accompanyment  – produced on vinyl records.  We heard Moody Blues, Yes, Led Zepplin, Tommy, Frank Zappa, and Jan Hammer / Jerry Goodman. Today we continue our exploration into artists that either dabbled in symphonic arrangement, or artists that infused their rock or pop sound with classical music orchestra sounds:

1 Twenty Small Cigars, album “King Kong, Jean-Luc Ponty plays the music of Frank Zappa”

2 Vision Is A Naked Sword, album Apocalypse, Mahavishnu Orchestra w London Symphony Orch, Michael Tilson Thomas Cond.

3 Concerto for Jazz Rock Orch, Mvt 1, album Journey To Love Nemperor 1975 composed conducted arranged Stanley Clarke,

4 Concerto for Jazz Rock Orch, Mvts 3+4, album Journey To Love Nemperor 1975 composed conducted arranged Stanley Clarke,

5 The Dick Hyman Concerto Electro, Mvt 1, album Concerto Electro,  Composer Arranger Pianist Dick Hyman

6 King Kong,  album “King Kong, Jean-Luc Ponty plays the music of Frank Zappa”

7 Overture, album Child is Father to the Man, Blood Sweat & Tears, BS&T String Ensemble,

M1 Jean-Luc Ponty and his solo album, featuring the electric violin and the Frank Zappa composition and arrangement of Twenty Small Cigars, from the album King Kong, Jean-Luc Ponty plays the music of Frank Zappa, or just … King Kong. Composed  for Jean Luc Ponty and this solo album, by World Pacific Jazz Records. The King Kong album was released 1970 Liberty Records label. Compositions and recording were completed in 1969. There are five parts on Twenty Small Cigars. Noteably, there is no guitar part.

  • Piano or electric piano George Duke
  • Alto & Tenor sax  Ernie Watts
  • Drums John Guerin
  • Bass Wilton Felder
  • Jean-Luc Ponty  electric violin

Ponty was born in France in 1942 was about 27 at the time of this production. This was his 9th release in a long list of albums – – about 40 to date. His collaborations with FZ included these FZ albums – maybe you recognize the album titles –  Hot Rats, Over-Nite Sensation, Piquantique, Apostrophe – –  were albums on which Ponty played with FZ between 1969 and 1981. Also Ponty collaborated with Mahavishnu Orchestra, albums Apocalypse and Visions, 2 albums by the MO, in the 1970s,  featuring Jean-Luc Ponty.

M2 Vision Is A Naked Sword. Album Apocalypse, Artist is the Mahavishnu Orchestra w the London Symphony Orchestra, Michael Tilson Thomas Cond. Composed by  John McLaughlin. Produced George Martin. Featuring JLP on electric violin and electric baritone violin, And Mahavishnu (aka John McLaughlin) on guitars. And the LSO ( I count 6 LSO performers including KB, viola, violin2, cello, drum and bass parts) with Michael Tilson Thomas conducting, produced in 1974 CBS

M3 Concerto for Jazz Rock Orch, Mvt 1, album Journey To Love, composed conducted arranged Stanley Clarke, Produced on Nemperor 1975. One of those movements in this case the first, that seemed to jump out of the stereo, a stereo possessed. So peaceful, contemplative, driven by the drone of the high “G” note. That surreal opening sound. Starry-like.

  • -Stanley Clarke Piccolo bass with synth, acoustic bass, hand bells, organ,
  • -George Duke mini Moog, organ, string ensemble, acoustic piano,
  • -Steve Gadd drums, percussion
  • -David Sancious electric guitar

M4 Concerto for Jazz Rock Orch, Mvts 3+4,  Album Journey To Love, composed conducted arranged Stanley Clark, produced on Nemperor in1975. Now on Movement 3 the energy level is much higher. A great transition into longer notes and the power of the David Sancious electric guitar lead part. A cooling off movement – movement 4 — drifts off into an “A”-note” drone.

  • -Stanley Clarke Piccolo bass with synth, acoustic bass, hand bells, organ,
  • -George Duke mini Moog, organ, string ensemble, acoustic piano,
  • -Steve Gadd drums, percussion
  • -David Sancious electric guitar

M5 album Concerto Electro, song the Dick Hyman Concerto Electro, Mvt 1, 11:45, composed Dick Hyman, and recorded June 1969, “for Baldwin-Electro piano rock-jazz rhythm and symphony orchestra” . This is a crossover with many imbedded styles…from jazz and classics into a pop and rock genre. Dick Hyman as usual makes this sound seamless. Virtuoso jazz pianist, born in NYC in 1927, a 50+ year career as pianist, organist, arranger music director and composer. Classically trained, his performance days date back to pianist for the Benny Goodman Trio.Dick Hyman worked in the late 1960s with the Moog Synthesizer some covers and some original compositions. He has been active as a jazz session artist, classical composition, film work, and pop/electronic music. In the Concerto Electro, we hear the authoritative sound of the lower registers of the baldwin electric piano and the clear trumpet of Mel Davis.The piano rocks and provided the rhythmic foundation. How many musical styles can there be in one movement of one song ? I count seven styles:

  • rock,
  • sonata,
  • cadenza,
  • bluegrass,
  • bossa nova,
  • gospel, and
  • boogie woogie.

Written in 1967 and recorded in 1969

M6  Jean-Luc Ponty and the title track from his solo album …King Kong . This is another Frank Zappa composition and arrangement. There are six parts on King Kong. Again, there is no guitar part.

  • -Electric piano George Duke
  • -Vibes and Percussion Gene Estes
  • -Tenor sax  Ian Underwood –
  • -Drums Arthur Tripp
  • -Bass Buell Neidinger
  • -Jean-Luc Ponty  electric violin

M7 We conclude with … Overture, album Child is Father to the Man, Blood Sweat & Tears, BS&T String Ensemble, Al Kooper composition, Released Columbia Records 1968

The album introduced the idea of the big band to rock and roll and paved the way for such groups as Chicago. Kooper left the band after this album, changing the nature of the group. This is BS&T’s debut album.  This is track one side one. After hearing it the first time, I thought, now what is the REST of this album all about? The song fits logically with “I can’t quit her”, also composed by Al Kooper, but instead, “I can’t quit her” kicks off side 2 of the LP.